Evil eye and Pseudoscience

The scientific reason behind the rejection of evil eye as superstition, especially the belief that someone envies you, can be explained as a result of people’s submission to the effects of rumors without testing or questioning their validity. When someone is known for having an evil eye, you might not compare or verify the number of times this person has really spoiled something while looking at it or praising it, against the number of times other people look at or praise something and then spoil it as a result.

Collin A. Ross had patented his invention of a device that observes a weak electromagnetic wave emitted by the eyes. Before rushing into judgment, perhaps we have to pay attention to the weak effect of the discovered waves. It is not the type of radiation that penetrates walls and travels for long distances. We cannot verify the effectiveness of the waves unless we observe it with precise sensors and then magnify them for electronic and electric use, similar to any other device used today to monitor brain waves.

The promoters of superstitions cite Stanly Krippner’s quotes and explanations. He is a Shaman tribe magic specialist in addition to other traditional practices. Regardless of the fact that superstitions make up most of his writings instead of the sciences, he does not have enough knowledge in medicine and physics which makes him incapable of discussing such matters, especially since he is a specialist in magic & sorcery arts.

Carl Simonton wrote in this field despite being irrelevant to it. He suggests cancer therapy by expelling anxiety and both negative feelings and energy. He considered stepping into the outlawed & risky side of pseudoscience by implying hope in hopeless people in order to promote pseudoscience and superstitions.

Psychologist Armando De Vinsentes said that believing in the evil eye increases among people who express self-destructive tendencies; they look for pessimistic opportunities to show that they have bad luck or any other excuse.

De Vinsentes said that a female of his mental patients was suffering from psychological impairment prior to her belief that she was affected by an evil eye and that she was a target of wickedness. He continued that this woman eventually accelerated her condition up to believing that everything that had ever happened to her was a result of some mighty metaphysical powers which target her.

Reference: http://real-sciences.com/?p=7618

By: Omar Merivani

Translated to English : Nawras Hasan

Written by:

Omar Meriwani



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