by Omar Meriwani | Aug 23, 2022 | Scientists
In her early years, no one would have expected that Elizabeth Bates would be a scientist and that her theories would one day prevail over the domain of language and cognition leading theories. She was born in Wichita town in Kansas, US in 1947. She did her...
by رغدة ابراهيم | Jan 7, 2021 | Science and Society
The advantages of a patent include providing motivation to pursue development of a treatment or solution, help researchers to obtain funding for their research of interest whilst disadvantages include halting advances in research due to patent’s nature of exclusion...
by Omar Meriwani | Jan 17, 2019 | Computer science
While I was navigating through the studies of deception detection using natural language processing and machine learning techniques, I stopped for reading a study that could be considered as the most interesting and the most important ones in the field of deception...
by Omar Meriwani | Nov 24, 2018 | Superstition
The latest style for promoting superstition in Arabic media and social media is to deal with superstition as approved facts, and to go further in discussing its details. Especially the case of elves, which is very common in Arabic culture. Many Arabs from different...
by زينب بدور | Apr 1, 2018 | Psychology
Little do people know about Borderline Personality disorder. In fact, it is often mistaken with other mental illness such as depressive disorders and bipolar disorder, leaving people suffering from BPD confused, lonely and hard to deal with, taking into consideration...
by محمد فاروق | Jan 11, 2018 | Academic, Physics
This project is about some of the scientific concepts and history behind nuclear weapons (Atomic Bomb). The first section is the theory that paved the way for the usage of nuclear power, followed by an explanation of how a nuclear weapon works. The next section...
by Omar Meriwani | Apr 21, 2017 | Superstition
After the huge destruction in private and governmental media and educational institutes in Arabic speaking countries, we are currently witnessing new phenomenon: religious superstition satellite channels. Satellite channels which promote deceitfulness, fraud, magic...